Charmaine’s story

Charmaine’s story

Jack was my 4th child. My pregnancy with Jack was trouble free and at 39 weeks I went into labour.

Labour did not progress and I was discharged, but 5 days later I woke and ‘felt different’. My baby belly felt ‘firmer’ and had risen up under my ribs. I could not feel movement. I had a bath and had a drink to try and encourage movement or hiccups to no avail. My friend dropped me off to the hospital where I attended the day care unit. The nurse checked me using the trumpet but was unable to hear anything, then a scan was performed.

When the nurse said she needed to call the Dr, I realised the worst. The Dr attended and confirmed Jack had passed. I was sent home and told to return the next morning, 17th December to be induced. After a 5 hour labour I gave birth to Jack weighing 7lb 2oz.

We buried him 10 Jan 2000 and waited 10 weeks for results as to why, there was nothing wrong.

I then went on to have a healthy 6lb 9oz boy, Domonic by c-section in 2001. There was no support back in those days.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Petals is the baby loss counselling charity, offering free specialist counselling to women and partners who suffer psychological distress from trauma and grief related to pregnancy or baby loss. They can be reached via their helpline (0300 688 0068) & via email.

Tommy’s is the largest UK pregnancy and baby loss charity, funding research into stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage. Dedicated to finding causes and treatments to save babies’ lives as well as providing trusted pregnancy and baby loss information and support. For more information and support visit

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