Debbi’s story

Debbi’s story

I’d given up hope of fulfilling my dream of becoming a mummy. So when I found ‘The One’ my dream got closer to reality. We were ecstatic when we got pregnant, naturally, at age 41! I was heartbroken when at 9 weeks I miscarried our baby, at home, on my own.

Nobody talks about what it feels like to miscarry. The pain, the smell, but to actually see my tiny baby, passing out of me was one of the worst experiences of my life. A trip to A&E and an internal scan confirmed that the pregnancy had ended. I left A&E in a daze, my partner carrying on as normal.

I never understood how he could act like it didn’t matter when my heart was breaking. The next two weeks were a blur. I spent my days and nights alternating between feeling numb and feeling every emotion. I was offered therapy but declined as I didn’t feel ready. Six weeks later my partner left me for another woman.

Seven years later I still struggle with my baby loss. I’ll never get over it.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

The Miscarriage Association  provides support and information for anyone affected by miscarriage & molar pregnancy through their helpline (01924 200799) , live chat, and email. Anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and works to save babies’ lives. Contact their Helpline via phone (0808 154 3332).

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