Sam’s story

Sam’s story

I’d been fighting infertility for 8 years before I managed to save up enough money to look at IVF (solo). The doctor appeared optimistic which gave me hope. After my egg retrieval I had 3 embryos at hand. My first transfer was clouded with the loss of my grandmother to dementia, however it was successful and I couldn’t believe my luck.Sadly I suffered an incomplete miscarriage at 7 weeks. A miscarriage that with 3 failed medical managements required surgery. My heart was broken, suddenly the realisation that this might not work hit me. My second transfer; failed. It was grief in its own right, my embryo had been growing, now .. it was over.My third transfer gave me a positive test on day 8 and 9. However on official test day, it was negative. A chemical pregnancy I was told. It implanted but stopped growing. Now the ‘basket’ is empty and I have to come to terms that for me it may never be. My heart is lost with my losses and the dreams of what could be.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Tommy’s is the largest UK pregnancy and baby loss charity, funding research into stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage. Dedicated to finding causes and treatments to save babies’ lives as well as providing trusted pregnancy and baby loss information and support. For more information and support visit

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