Me and my partner started our IVF/ICSI journey in January 2022. All was going successful until I had my frozen embryo transfer in August, and then when we attended the 8 week scan at ACS Glasgow Royal Infirmary we got told the news we feared hearing,...

In December of 1972 at the age of 24 I gave birth to a boy. 5 weeks early. 5lbs 10z. He died about 36 hours later. This is almost 50 years ago. Only my mother talks about the loss. I went on to have 2 healthy boys....

I’d given up hope of fulfilling my dream of becoming a mummy. So when I found ‘The One' my dream got closer to reality. We were ecstatic when we got pregnant, naturally, at age 41! I was heartbroken when at 9 weeks I miscarried our...

Joseph was born June 26th 1983 at 28 weeks and Joseph lived for 9 hours. We lost his twin at 3 months and his sister on 23rd March 1982 at 24 weeks after suffering a stillbirth. These dates are ingrained in my memory and I can...

I was 16 when I gave birth to Josh. He passed away the day after. At 19 I gave birth to Jacob, he also passed away the next day. This year Joshua should have been 28 and Jacob should have been 25. I miss them as...

In 2005 when I was 24yrs old my son at 9 days old died unexpectedly in my bed. I woke to his cold lifeless body next to me. We tried endlessly to revive him, and so did the paramedics and hospital staff. I quite honestly do...

I lost my daughter Millie in 1999. I was only 22 when I fell pregnant and my scans up to 20 weeks were all normal and without alarm. It wasn’t until I got to 31 weeks and I hadn’t felt her move that I started to...

We lost our son Brody on 25-8-17 when he was stillborn at 39+3weeks. The previous day my waters had gone and I went into hospital to be checked over and all was OK. I was sent home for labour to kick off and an induction...

I found out I was pregnant in May 2015 - it was a complete surprise but we were so excited. Our 12 week scan went brilliantly and no problems were detected, however at our 20 week scan we heard those heart-wrenching words ‘there is no...

In January 2018 I was rushed into theatre for what traumatically became life-saving surgery for myself to resect over 17 feet of my small intestine due to a volvulus. I was 7 months pregnant at the time with our daughter Isabella and tragically she lost...