neonatal Tag

Isaac is our little baby boy who died at 4 days old due to a heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. We were told the diagnosis at 22 weeks pregnant and decided to go ahead with comfort care for our little boy. We were...

My son Ethan passed away at 5 weeks old due to catching a virus that wasn't detected in time, which then progressed into viral meningitis. Due to that not being found in time, it then attacked Ethan's heart muscles causing him to suffer from heart...

Just when I thought I'd have my rainbow baby after my previous stillbirth, death came and took my rainbow baby. I'm still in shock and I ask myself questions like 'Could it have been spiritual?', 'Could it have been an error from the hospital?' or...

Due to an extremely high-risk pregnancy, I was stuck giving birth to my son at 22 weeks at Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC. The subchorionic hematoma in my uterus was twice the size of him and ended up putting both of us at risk so we...

I was 16 when I gave birth to Josh. He passed away the day after. At 19 I gave birth to Jacob, he also passed away the next day. This year Joshua should have been 28 and Jacob should have been 25. I miss them as...

I lost my daughter Millie in 1999. I was only 22 when I fell pregnant and my scans up to 20 weeks were all normal and without alarm. It wasn’t until I got to 31 weeks and I hadn’t felt her move that I started to...

I was in the seventh month of pregnancy when most of the doctors told me that they did not see the baby's stomach on the ultrasound, but someone did. That gave me even more hope to carry the pregnancy to the end. On May 2, my...

Ophelia was twin two of identical twins. We realised very early on in our pregnancy that we were going to have a very hard pregnancy. We were diagnosed at 12-weeks with TTTTs (twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome) with Ophelia being the donor. With appointments at Kings alongside our...