Author: Adrian Brown

Sarah and James de Malplaquet's son Kit died on the 29th September 2017 when he was just 13 days old. HSV1 or herpes simplex type 1, the virus Kit died from, is the same virus which causes cold sores in adults. Sarah and James set up...

Our daughter Prem-Amour was born asleep on June 18th 2011. She was stillborn at 27 weeks. She suffered from growth restriction but we don’t know why. We joined the Sanskrit and French word for love and called her Prem-Amour because she filled our hearts with...

My daughter, Isabel, died at 4 months of age as a result of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In 2012 the impossible happened…. well we thought it was impossible. Our day started out as an ordinary Monday and by 4pm we had lost our youngest child. Our...

Maria Gormley has organised a Ribbon Remembrance display for Baby Loss Awareness Week in Clacton-on-Sea in memory of her daughter Laura, who died shortly after birth, and would have turned 35 this year. Maria has written about how she began doing this in 2019 and some...

I'd heard about baby loss and I'd thought to myself how devastating it must be. You think about the parents and wonder if there is anything you could possibly say to help them or ease their pain, but you don't know. Then one day I...

Rowan experienced pregnancy loss through an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is where the pregnancy implants in a location that is not within the cavity of the womb. Sadly the pregnancy cannot be saved and it can be a life threatening condition for the woman or...

Amy and I had five miscarriages over a period of 18 months. That was easily one of the most difficult periods of our 16-year relationship. We met at university and, while I can’t speak for her, I remember almost immediately feeling like this was someone I...

Looking after the partners of people who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss is something that everyone can help do – friends, family, health professionals and colleagues. ​ Partners often feel they have to be strong and keep their feelings hidden, or that their wellbeing isn't important. They can often be sidelined by pregnancy, maternity or...