Emma’s story

Emma’s story

In 2020, we found out we were expecting our first baby. Our initial excitement was crushed at our 12 week scan when abnormalities were found. Five weeks of consultant appointments, scans and tests later, a diagnosis of Edward’s Syndrome was reached – a one in 10,000 chance. The prognosis for our baby was poor and we made the heart-breaking decision to TFMR (terminate for medical reasons). Nobody can prepare you for what happens after making that decision – I gave birth and said goodbye on 30/10/20.

Almost two years later, we found ourselves expecting again. This time, anxiety was with us from the get go. However, I was hopeful that things could not be as challenging as the last time. We paid for early scans to put our minds at rest – unfortunately this was not the case and we were soon referred to the early pregnancy unit where they confirmed that our baby had no heartbeat – a missed miscarriage. We found ourselves yet again facing difficult decisions and said goodbye on the 3/09/22.

There are still unanswered questions but we are hopeful for the future – whatever it brings.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Petals – the baby loss counselling charity, offers free specialist counselling to women and partners who suffer psychological distress from trauma and grief related to pregnancy or baby loss.

Helpline: 0300 688 0068
Email: counselling@petalscharity.org

The Lily Mae Foundation provides much needed support to parents and families who have lost a baby to stillbirth, neonatal death, miscarriage or medical termination.

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