Author: Kerri Stedman

In December 2020, my wife and I found out the devastating news that our baby had stopped developing and that my wife would need a medical intervention to terminate the pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, I wasn’t even able to attend the hospital when...

On the 22nd October 2020 our precious baby boy was born at 17.17pm. At 2.10am our baby took his last breath in his daddy’s arms. My little darling was 7 pound 11. Our Ernie really did try to fight this for his Mummy & Daddy. Ernie will forever...

In 2020, we found out we were expecting our first baby. Our initial excitement was crushed at our 12 week scan when abnormalities were found. Five weeks of consultant appointments, scans and tests later, a diagnosis of Edward's Syndrome was reached - a one in...

Between 2010 to 2018, I 'lost' 15 babies. We worked with fantastic medical professionals over the years but no-one could ever find out why we were losing each pregnancy. It was the not knowing that was one of the most difficult aspects of the losses, as...

My husband and I were so excited to be expecting! We took extra care with everything we did. We told our family the great news and everyone was so happy, everything was going great! We started planning, then one day, my biggest nightmare happened at 20...

My quest to wanting a baby stemmed from my teenage years after my mum died suddenly. I suspected I may have issues conceiving due to PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). Although I had been to the doctors, there was very little help and support. After seven years we...

The most comforting step in my journey was knowing that someone else could relate to what I was going through. Back in 2018, following my late miscarriage I shared the news on social media. An old school friend reached out to me and I later learned...

Zachary was stillborn 11 days overdue. He'd be 9½ years old now and I'd probably still be with my wife. That day started a downward spiral. Six months later an unplanned pregnancy ended in a late miscarriage. Then a healthy boy was born, Samson. The...

After going through a late miscarriage, Tania took pen to paper and wrote this poignant poem in tribute to her experience and her baby, Mika. Stepping stones that all lead to being alone. Faltering, running, falling. Crying, screaming, calling. Empty words upon a headstone. Sinking stones that always lead to...

When we found out that I was pregnant in October 2021, we were both excited and ever so nervous. As this was my first pregnancy I didn't know what to expect. I had a perfect textbook pregnancy, however, a few times I had a little niggle...