Richard’s Story

Richard’s Story


I often think of grief as a river to cross. Since the stillbirth of my twins, I have been following my own stepping stones, seeing which ones can still support me, and which ones are now slippery and treacherous.

My stepping stones may be different from yours, what I can nimbly skip across with ease, may be something that makes you slip or stumble. When supporting other bereaved parents, I always make it clear that what works for me, may not work for you.

The only way to find out what works is to try it for yourself, and in doing so you may find your own stepping stones, and in time those stones may help someone else find their way.

This is how we cross the river. What lies on the other side is not acceptance but a place where we can live with our grief rather than fighting it or denying it.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Sands supports anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby and works to save babies’ lives. Contact their Helpline via phone (0808 154 3332) or email, or visit their Support Groups online or via Zoom.

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