Stephen’s story

Stephen’s story

In December 2020, my wife and I found out the devastating news that our baby had stopped developing and that my wife would need a medical intervention to terminate the pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, I wasn’t even able to attend the hospital when my wife went through the procedure, so instead I had to remain in the car alone with my thoughts and feelings.

My immediate concern after the miscarriage was to provide emotional support to my wife. Not many people knew about our pregnancy, and I often felt that we were left on our own to deal with the trauma of the event.

When I returned to work a couple of days after my wife’s miscarriage, I found myself becoming disassociated with my colleagues, becoming angry over the smallest of things, and feeling numb and empty.

Reaching out for support is key.

There are many organisations that offer support to anyone affected by pregnancy and baby loss.

Tommy’s is the largest UK pregnancy and baby loss charity, funding research into stillbirth, premature birth and miscarriage. Dedicated to finding causes and treatments to save babies’ lives as well as providing trusted pregnancy and baby loss information and support. For more information and support visit

The Lily Mae Foundation provides much needed support to parents and families who have lost a baby to stillbirth, neonatal death, miscarriage or medical termination.

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