Author: James Havelock

  Freddie was born at 24 weeks gestation, and he even cried at birth. He was thriving, but at 15 days old Freddie was diagnosed with Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC). The consultant who operated on Freddie’s bowel said he’d had this for about a week before it had been...

  Before lockdown had started, I found out I was pregnant with my second baby. I was feeling very tired, kept fainting, and had bleeding that looked like a period so i was referred to the early pregnancy unit for a scan. I was told everything was ok...

  In 1969 I found myself pregnant. I was 19 years old and not married, but I got married in 1969. I had morning sickness very bad the doctor gave me anti sickness tablets all was fine. When I had my last appointment they said if I...

  Althea was a much longed for baby. One we had tried several years for. Finding out we were to welcome a baby in the summer of 2020 changed everything for us and we were completely ready for this little one to come in and be the...

  My husband and I were so excited to be expecting! We took extra care with everything we did. We told his family the great news and everyone was so happy. Everything was going great! We started planning, then one day, my biggest nightmare happened. My husband left...

  Seven years down the line nothing changes as far as feeling Evie's loss is concerned. Evie was my first born after 15 years of marriage, and seven rounds of IVF, three ectopic pregnancies, one in 2001 that was a very rare Cornual pregnancy that I needed...

I never held Harry, but I have never gone a day without thinking of him. In fact, it was as if he didn’t exist to the rest of the world, unimportant, unseen. Harry was my third pregnancy. I had three-year-old and two-year-old boys.  Harry was due on October...

  We have lost our four angels and I have felt so alone in this. But I want to normalise it and I hope it helps others. Our first two were lost at home through a natural miscarriage and it wasn't till much later I really...

  I remember finding out I was pregnant. My first time, the excitement was just so overwhelming, and I was really excited to share the news with my family. I had a great pregnancy. I remember times I would be in the bath. That was his favourite...

  I was 36 weeks pregnant with Sara when I went into labour. My previous labours had started at 36 weeks, so I wasn’t concerned. We arrived at the labour ward, met my midwife where she started to go through all the initial checks, blood pressure,...