stillbirth Tag

2016 was the year. My husband and I decided we were ready to try for a child. Having already had a four-year-old daughter, we were keen to give her a sibling. We were in good health and were happy, so it really felt like a...

My name is Katie, here is my story: I was pregnant back in 2018, after losing a baby prior it was worrying. However everything was perfect. I went to my 20 week scan, although very anxious, everything was going well. We decided to do a...

I'd had the “perfect pregnancy” and was down for a home birth. Things didn't progress and at 42 weeks I was booked in for an induction. We dropped our son off at my parents’ and made our way to hospital ready to meet our little...

After being told I could never have kids against all odds, my partner and I went for IVF and unexpectedly fell pregnant on the 2nd round. We were so happy that our dreams had come true. Our beautiful boy struggled all the way through with his...

In December 2018 on Christmas Eve, I was admitted to my local hospital due to heavy bleeding following a series of complications. I had a 4-week hospital stay of intense and life-saving treatment and I went into preterm labour due to a placental abruption caused...